Bows or Bow Ties?
Is Baby Herrera a BOY or a GIRL?
We will be finding out on October 1st, but in the meantime...I thought it'd be fun to compile a list of Old Wives' Tales that predict the sex of the baby. Here we go! (Courtesy of
1. Heartburn
Are you getting heartburn? Then it’s more likely you’re going to have a girl and she’s going to have lots of hair.
Prediction: Boy
2. Your Skin Test
Do you find yourself reaching for the moisturiser? If your skin is dry you’re more likely to be having a boy but if your skin is soft then a girl is on the cards.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
3. How You Carry Your Pregnant Belly
If your belly seems to be carrying your baby low, then you are more likely to be having a boy. If you’re carrying high and all out in front, then prepare for a girl.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
4. The Baby's Heart Rate
This is one of the most popular old wives tales on how to predict whether a boy or girl is coming. If the baby’s heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute then you may be having a girl. But if the heart rate is at a more sedate pace, say under 140 BPM, then a boy is more likely.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
5. How’s Your Hair Looking?
Do you find yourself looking wistfully at old photos and wonder where all those thick lustrous locks have gone? Is your hair looking dull, thin and just a little bit sad? Then you could be having a girl baby. More luxurious, thicker hair is said to be due to boy genes. Likewise, if your legs are becoming a little more hirsute and you’re reaching for the razor every couple of days, then this maybe because you’re having a boy.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
6. Having an Adolescent Breakout?
Don’t despair, pimples and oily skin are supposed to mean a girl is coming. If you’re reaching for the moisturizer and hand lotion then a boy is predicted.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
7. Got Morning Sickness?
Make way for a girl if you’re rushing to the bathroom. According to those old wives, women who don’t get morning sickness are growing a boy. There may be some truth to this one because women who are pregnant with girls seem to produce more Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone HCG, which contributes to pregnancy nausea.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
8. What Are You Craving?
Are you weighing down the shopping trolley with meat, fish, cheese, dairy foods and animal protein? Then be prepared to have a little boy. But if you’re craving sweets, juice, fruit and more sugar, then a girl is predicted. There is some research to support the theory that pregnant women who crave more food each day are more likely to be having a boy. This may account for the comparatively higher birth weight of boys than girls.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
9. Which Way Are You Sleeping?
Believe it or not, the direction you place your head when you sleep is meant to signify whether a girl or boy is coming. If you lie on your left side then prepare for a boy. If you’re more of a righty, then break out the pink clothing.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
10. How Much Do You Weigh?
If you’re finding those extra pounds are settling around your bottom and thighs, then a girl is coming. But if that weight is at the front then a boy is more likely.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
11. The Wedding Ring Swing
Now this old wives tale is a bit of fun. Get your wedding ring – or one belonging to someone else and tie a piece of hair or string to it. Next, lie down and hold the hair/string so that the ring dangles over your belly. Be patient and wait until the ring starts to move. If it goes around in a circle then a boy is coming. If the ring moves from side to side then a girl is in your future.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
12. Are You Blooming?
If you feel your looks have taken a turn for the better then a boy is more likely. But if you’re feeling less than attractive, you may want to blame little Miss Sunshine. Old wives claim that baby girls take their mother’s looks from them.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
13. Is Your Partner Getting a Little Pudgy?
Blame those girl genes. Apparently male partners who put on weight do so because a baby girl is coming. But if he stays the same weight throughout your pregnancy, it’s more likely that your baby is going to be a boy.
Prediction: Boy
Prediction: Boy
14. Find Yourself Reaching For Some Socks?
If you’ve got cold feet, don’t blame the weather. Chances are that your cold feet are caused by that little boy in your belly.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
15. Unequal Breast Size?
A bigger right breast is said to indicate a boy baby. A bigger left breast is an indicator for a girl.
Prediction: Girl
Prediction: Girl
16. Having Headaches?
Then blame those boy genes. It seems that women who are carrying boys get more headaches than those who are pregnant with girls. Headaches can be more common in the second trimester because of hormonal influence.
Prediction: Boy
17. Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, then she is having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, then it's a boy.
Prediction: Boy
18. Chinese Gender Chart
Prediction: Boy
Boy - 11
Girl - 7
We'll see what the ultrasound shows! (But I have a gut feeling it's a girl...)
Prediction: Boy
17. Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, then she is having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, then it's a boy.
Prediction: Boy
18. Chinese Gender Chart
Prediction: Boy
Boy - 11
Girl - 7
We'll see what the ultrasound shows! (But I have a gut feeling it's a girl...)
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