"Exploring the Milky Way" - One Month

Fun Facts about Owen:
  • Lost his umbilical cord at 2 weeks, and it looks like he's going to have an "innie".
  • Took his first bath and LOVED IT!
  • Has developed a "boo-boo" face that breaks his mother's heart. For full effect, he sticks out his lower lip.
  • Has begun blowing spit bubbles.

I can't believe Owen is already a month old! He has been such a good baby so far, and we can't wait until he starts acknowledging our voices/faces and begins to smile and laugh; but for now, his routine is: sleep, cry, eat, pee/poop, repeat. Last week, he had another appointment with his doctor, and I'm happy to report that Owen has gained all his weight back and then some! He weighed in at 8 lbs 9oz, and he measured at 21.25 inches - so yes, my breast milk has come in...at long last! Yay for "lactation shakes" and Mother's Milk Tea.

I don't like tea, and this one is not an exception - but I'll do anything to help my baby get plump and healthy. I wanna see some rolls on his legs!

I had my post-partum appointment a couple of days ago, and the doctor said I was healing just fine, though I still cannot do any sit-ups or strenuous exercises just yet. The good news is that I've already lost 22 pounds, so I'm almost at my pre-pregnancy weight. So in the meantime, I'll continue to be a slave to my adorable son and shop online...lol! Amazon is dangerous...even more so when you have Amazon Prime. Here are a few things I've purchased:

If you've had a c-section, wear something for abdominal support. I used this item for the first couple of weeks (anything tighter was too painful on my incision), and then I switched to Squeem "Perfect Waist" Firm Compression Waist Trainer.

I freaking love this thing, and so does Owen. It took a couple of times for me to get used to wrapping it around my body then getting the baby nestled in, but it's GREAT. We received a Baby Bjorn (actually, we received two of them!) at one of our baby showers, but it doesn't have the neck support that Owen needs at the moment. The nice thing about the Boba Wrap is that it's one-size-fits-all. Some baby carriers/wraps come in different sizes, so while a certain one may fit me, it may not fit Ralph.

I bought this pack of "Pee-pee Teepees" ONLY for shiggles. Before these, I was using a warm wipe or a washcloth to cover his little boy parts, and that pretty much worked...ONLY when he's staying relatively still - same thing goes for these teepees. So it doesn't matter what you put over your baby's boy parts...you WILL get peed on if he's squirmy enough. But they're still funny. Hehe.

Ralph will be going back to work next week (weh!), so he and I have started a sleeping routine for Owen. In the beginning, Ralph and I were so afraid to leave the baby all by himself, so we slept in shifts. We stopped doing this a little over a week ago because that's just...ridiculously crazy and dumb. So nowadays, we're trying to get Owen used to day vs. night. During the day, we won't let him sleep for more than 3 hours straight, so we change and feed him often. At night time, we let him sleep for as long as he wants to; when he wakes up, we change and feed him quickly and quietly and with minimal light. So far, so good.

And as eventful as March has been, we'll be going on our first family road trip to Vegas this weekend for Ralph's Baker to Vegas relay race; and Owen will finally get to meet our Las Vegas relatives too! Let's just hope for a safe, smooth, and QUIET car ride there. (Keep your fingers and toes crossed.)


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