"Funiculí, Funiculá!" - Two Months
Fun Facts About Owen:
- Has begun having conversations with everyone through smiles, coos, and gurgles!
- Weighed in at 9 lbs 15 oz and was almost 23 inches long at his last doctor's appointment.
- Sleeps well at night and only wakes up when he's hungry or has a wet/dirty diaper.
- Doing tummy time several times a day for about 5 to 10 minutes each time.
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Tummy time! He lets us know when he's had enough by putting his head down and grunting into his blanket. |
My little Owen is two months old! It's been a real treat to be getting smiles out of this little guy...after all, I'm only his milk maid and diaper changer 24/7! Not only is he "smiley" and "talkative", but he has developed specific cries for his needs and wants, which has made life for me and Ralph a bajillion times easier.
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Look at my little man...cheesin' it up! |
So Ralph went back to work earlier this month, and I must say that I truly missed him being at home. Not only was he my relief when I needed to go to the bathroom or when I needed to eat, but he was also the only person I could relate to, in terms of being a first-time parent and learning to look after a baby. Needless to say, I cried the first day he was gone, but I got used to it.
Owen had another doctor's appointment a few weeks ago, and he GREW! He gained more than a pound, and the doctor said Owen measured in the 88th percentile. Well, good. I hope that means he'll be as tall as his dad (or taller!). He has his 2-month appointment coming up this week...and that's the one where he'll be getting his shots. I think I'll be the one doing the crying.
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At his 4-week doctor's appointment. |
I'm pretty fortunate that Owen has gotten a routine down. He wakes up around 7am, and once he's had his diaper changed and has been fed, he does tummy time and plays on his little play mat until around lunch time - that's when he takes his first nap...perfect timing for me because that's when I eat! At around 2pm, he wakes up, and the whole process repeats; only this time, he stays awake longer. Once 8pm hits, he's in sleep mode. He only wakes up when he's hungry and when he needs to be changed; and that's only a few times at night.
Now, don't get me wrong. He's not ALWAYS a predictable little angel. There are times when he cries for no reason, and the only way to console him is if he's being held, and not just by anyone...but by me and only me. Once, I had to carry him in his Baby Bjorn while I cooked and ate my lunch. He ended up having crumbs all over the top of his head. Heh.
Btw, as much as I loved the Boba Wrap, the Baby Bjorn is SO much easier to use...it's easier to put on and take off. And don't even think about wearing the Boba Wrap when it's warm. You AND your baby will be a sweaty mess. BUT...I have not given up on it yet. I think it'll be better to use when it's colder and when the baby is older and less squirmy.
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Love it when he's in a good mood when he wakes up in the morning! |
But all in all...he's a very good baby. We were supposed to take him to Disneyland yesterday but decided to wait until AFTER he got his immunizations...so we'll go next week with his Nana, Auntie Jen, and cousin Desirae. For now, we'll be spending most of our time at home, watching the NHL playoffs. Go Ducks!
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