Ralph's 30th Birthday

I've known Ralph for 10 years, been with him for 9 years, and been married to him for 2 years. Do you know how many Christmases, Valentine's Days, and Anniversaries we've celebrated together? A LOT. And by now, you'd think I would've run out of things to do/buy for him, but I'm very fortunate that Ralph is easy to please and has a never-ending wish list of nerdy things he wants.

But for his 30th birthday, I knew I had to do something awesome. I wanted to do a scavenger hunt! So this morning, Owen woke up at his usual time (5:30am), and I had him wake up his dad with a birthday card. It read:

Good morning, Daddy! Happy Birthday!
Be prepared to do lots of searching, okay?
For around our home are little bags hidden,
And inside each one is a clue and a token.

These clues will lead you to your new toy.
Mommy, Wendy, and I hope it brings you much joy!
So now it's time for you to get outta bed.
The first clue is right under your head!

Each clue had a Disney Star Wars Pin. Time for Ralph to start another collection! :)

So the first clue was right under Ralph's pillow, and I had to sneak that in there right before he woke up. Here are the rest of the clues. (I had so much fun writing them in Owen's perspective!)

This white basket is full
of lots of fun things.
Clue #2 may be under 
my teething rings.
(Answer: Owen's toy basket in the living room.)

I'm immediately taken here
if I've had a massive poo.
Draw back the curtain,
and you'll find the next clue.
(Answer: The bath tub.)

You're more than halfway there!
Isn't this fun?
You buckle me in here
when we go for a run.
(Answer: Owen's jogging stroller.)

Put on your shoes.
You need to take a walk.
I'm usually strapped in here
whenever I hear the Ace Man* talk.
(Answer: Owen's car seat. In my car.)
*Ralph and I usually listen to Adam Carolla's (aka The Ace Man) podcast in the car.

Are you getting excited?
This is the last clue!
Come back and find me.
I have something for you!

I needed Ralph to leave the apartment so I could take out his present from its hiding spot (and also to take a quick snap of this little dude.)

Even Owen helped Daddy open his present.
Needless to stay, Ralph is stoked about his new toy. I'm pretty sure he'll start building that thing later today.

After the scavenger hunt, I took Ralph to eat at Stacks Pancake House. Luckily for us, we arrived a little before 7am, and it wasn't busy at all.

Nutella S'Mores French Toast was uh-mazing.

And after that, Ralph wanted to take Owen down the street to the park while it was still cool. Of course, no one else was there, so we had the whole playground to ourselves. It was Owen's first time, and he really enjoyed the swings. Ralph and I took him down a few slides, but he wasn't really into it...but I think he was just sleepy.

AND THEN AFTER THAT...we went to Target to do some grocery shopping. So a scavenger hunt, breakfast, fun at the park, and a trip to Target...all by 9am on a Saturday. I think we'll spend the rest of this hot SoCal day indoors, watching sports and eating junk.

Oh, and HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY, RALPH! Can't wait to celebrate the next 30 birthdays (and more) with you. :)


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