Owen at 18 Months
Height: 31.25" Weight: 26 lbs, 6 oz |
Owen had his 18-month checkup today, and he is great! Can't believe he's already a year and a half, but I have to say that he is so much fun at this age. Here are some updates!
Owen continues to eat well, and we are so happy that he still eats his fruits and veggies. I attribute his healthy appetite to the efforts of my mom, who loves cooking for him; and let me mention that half her Instagram posts are of Owen's meals. (Follow her @littlepuput to get some toddler meal ideas!)
He's getting better with using utensils, but he still needs help...though he'll never admit it. He also requires a bit of assistance with using sippy cups (he doesn't tilt them because he's used to drinking with a straw), and he needs constant supervision whenever we give him those GoGo Squeez pouches.
Always awake no later than 7am (usually 6:30am) and always in bed no later than 9pm (usually 8:30pm). He still takes his midmorning nap, but his second nap in the afternoon seems like an option these days...I blame it on his molars coming in (ugh). Also, Pooh Bear used to be just a sleeping buddy, but now, Owen takes him EVERYWHERE.
He's still as active as ever, so we continue to take him to new places where he can explore and run around. Recently, we went to Huntington Beach, and he thoroughly enjoyed running through the surfboard statues over and over and over...and over again.
For a time, Owen typically liked to play on his own. He would just sit amongst his toys for periods of time without acknowledging me or Ralph. Nowadays, he's including us in his playtime and loves showing us his toys. His favorite ones have wheels - typical boy. He also loves playing with puzzles that have numbers and shapes, and he enjoys flipping through books.
Owen's vocabulary grows every single day, and it's getting easier for us to communicate with each other. If he wants my attention, he'll place his hand softly on my cheek or my arm; if he wants Ralph's attention, Owen smacks him on the tummy. It's pretty hilarious.
Also, Owen knows how to count, 1 to 10, thanks to my mom! I was pleasantly surprised when we were shopping at Target (duh) the other day, and he just started counting out of the blue.
"Wuh, Two, Free, Foh, Figh, Kih, Sehseh, Eigh, Nah, Ten! Yeeeeaaaay!!"
We were shocked! And yes, he applauds himself whenever he counts to 10. He did it several times at my doctor's appointment today (yeah, I had one too), and I'm pretty sure 90% of my appointment consisted of my doctor fawning over Owen.
And that's it for Owen updates! August is quickly coming to an end, but we're super excited about what's to come the next couple of months. We'll be going to Mickey's Halloween Party in September, and then we'll be going to Disney World in October! So stoked!
Here are more photos of Owen getting his height checked last Thursday.
Until next time!
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